Developed by and manufactured
exclusively for Muscle Valley Performance Products
PO Box 781, Warsaw MO 65355

Directions say to take XGF-1 1 to 2 hours before a workout. If you are going to take a carb loader or other carb source before your workout it's best to take XGF-1 2 hours in advance. It will be in your system by the time you take in the carbs.
Why is this important? IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) is just that, insulin like. IGF-1 and insulin compete for the same cell receptor sites if they are both present at the same time in the blood. For maximum results allow as much time as possible between taking XGF-1 and taking something that increases insulin.
Both are crucial to the muscle-building process. Following these directions will ensure insulin and IGF-1 are not working against each other.

Consult your healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplements. This is  extremely important if you are taking any medications or are suffering from any
health-related issues Seek advice!

*The products and claims made about specific products on this page or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

New label slightly different
than one pictured on bottle. Also now with 80 capsules 
instead of 72.
